Saturday 31 December 2016

In 2013 at this point of time, I was preparing for a new year party. What a wonderful party it was! But the year 2013 was not that wonderful in totality. It was an year of hardships, hopelessness and many such cruelties of the world which I never faced earlier. You can feel it though... I wrote on my FB wall
Goodbye 2013! ज़िन्दगी में जब भी कोई बुरा वक़्त आएगा मैं तुम्हें मिसाल सा याद रखूंगी।
Bidding a goodbye to 2013 was quite relieving. Many a people say its just an year change or mere change of calendar but I witnessed my life taking a whole new circle. Since 2014 life has started sending happiness in truck loads kinda amount. I may not clearly put through what I did differently but life seems a sweet compassionate darling since 2014. I am writing it all here on last eve of 2016. Tomorrow is gonna be a brand New year 2017 and I am scared to let go of such a beautiful year 2016.

2014-2016 have been beautiful years of my life. The 2016 was nicest of all as it brought a wisdom to value the life despite any circumstances. Its in this year, I learnt life the most. It taught me irrespective of what happens to me, if I have my breathes right, I have a lot to hold on and that made all the difference. Now I don't take even a second of life for granted as my life is my gift with a limited period of warranty which is destined to expire one day. I stopped getting lost in moments of agony and pain. Its not that I have stopped having any pain, fact is I have reduced the hours of suffering. As soon as I discover I am hurt, I work on it and just sort it out until it stops hurting. Life is really too short to waste even a second devoid of peace and laughter. Thank you dear 2016 for teaching me how to value my own life the most.
The upcoming year is going to be the most significant year of my life, that's what making me so anxious. I may get a PhD and a Mrs something all in matter of an year which is to happen in just a moment. I am anxious so just writing my first note to 2017,

Dear 2017, just be nice as your old pal was. We haven't met yet, I hope we shall get along nicely and make a wonderful 365 days of togetherness. <3

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